How Much Will I Get From The Ontario Trillium Benefit?


There are many factors that go into how much you will receive for the OTB. Factors that will affect how much money you will get from the government include your: Age Income Residence Family size Costs of rent or property tax If you would like to get an idea of how much you money you [...]

How Much Will I Get From The Ontario Trillium Benefit?2019-01-23T02:17:11+00:00

What Is The Ontario Trillium Benefit?


The OTB combines three credits and was implemented to help pay for energy costs as well as sales and property tax. The 3 credits that have been included in the OTB are: The Northern Ontario Energy Credit The Ontario Energy and Property Tax Credit Ontario Sales Tax Credit In order to receive the OTB you [...]

What Is The Ontario Trillium Benefit?2019-01-23T02:44:49+00:00
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