Don’t File Yourself Use A Professional to Do Your Taxes


Why should you use a professional Accountant like Catherine Barrie Accounting ? As business owner most times you are wearing a lot of hats. It is important now, if you want to ensure that your business operations run smoothly. This goes without saying that the “get it done” approach towards every problem or issue in [...]

Don’t File Yourself Use A Professional to Do Your Taxes2021-10-15T00:58:17+00:00

Is CERB taxable?


Roughly 8.5 million Canadians who collected the $2,000 monthly Canadian Emergency Response Benefit (CERB). And CERB is taxable. You must add CERB income to any other taxable income and pay tax at your marginal rate when you file your 2020 taxes. The government advised Canadians when they began offering CERB, initiated to help residents during the Covid-19 [...]

Is CERB taxable?2021-04-30T11:17:31+00:00
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