Don’t File Yourself Use A Professional to Do Your Taxes


Why should you use a professional Accountant like Catherine Barrie Accounting ? As business owner most times you are wearing a lot of hats. It is important now, if you want to ensure that your business operations run smoothly. This goes without saying that the “get it done” approach towards every problem or issue in [...]

Don’t File Yourself Use A Professional to Do Your Taxes2021-10-15T00:58:17+00:00

Why You Need a Bookkeeper for Your Business


You’ve finally made it! The startup that started in your parents’ garage is now on its way to become a formal company! The long wait has been agonizing but is that all there is to it? Not really! Since you’re no longer handling small transactions and you’re not too familiar with the accounting services at [...]

Why You Need a Bookkeeper for Your Business2021-02-16T16:00:47+00:00
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